StereoPhoto Maker Feedback [Search]

 Red Hydrogen One   Robert Wilson   2020年11月29日(日) 9:23     Mail
I am unable to open a 4 tile image from the Red Hydrogen One. I have used SPM ver 6.08 and ver 6.10, both in 64 bit. I am using Win 10.

I tried to follow the tutorial: Edit>Depth Map> Open jpeg include depth map, but the image will not open.

Any suggestions?

 Red Hydrogen One   Robert Wilson   2020年11月17日(火) 6:57     Mail
I am unable to open a 4 tile image from the Red Hydrogen One. I have used SPM ver 6.08 and ver 6.10, both in 64 bit. I am using Win 10.

I tried to follow the tutorial: Edit>Depth Map> Open jpeg include depth map, but the image will not open.

Any suggestions?

    Mikhail Bronstein   2020年11月13日(金) 2:32     Mail
Hi, thanks a lot for this little marvel. I have been having a bit of problem with ghosting/crosstalk although it is not necessarily SPM itself. In a nutshell: I use a passive 3D screen (LG) for viewing; and when I view MPO files from a PC using SPM, some ghosting may be quite noticeable. But when I plug a thumbdrive with those same MPO files directly into that same TV, the ghosting is gone. (Also, the TV correctly picks interlacing for these files, while with SPM I have to hit 'X' whenever I open a new folder.)
Any suggestions?
Thanks again!

 how to install/used DMAG   noobie   2020年10月17日(土) 3:00     Mail
Hi, I'm a complete noobie to this program. but what I can see I like.

I'm having trouble, can anyone point me in the direction to a tutorial or make one that knows how to install and use DMAG? and how to create depth-maps. To be able to make this effect:

I have spent hours on youtube and reading, but I don't think I'm smart enough to figure it out on my own.

tank you for all your help

    Muttyan   2020年10月17日(土) 6:10    HP [Edit]
Please see this page.

 batch feature request   tristan   2020年10月15日(木) 16:19   
I would love it if there was support for batch saving MPOs as JPEGs with the same borders as when saving individual files. Current batch conversion has limited border options, and limited options for making stereo cards in batches.

 lenovo mirage camera   Hanna   2020年9月15日(火) 12:14   
Hi, Your software is amazing and does so much. Thanks for your effort.

I own a lenovo mirage camera and have been using your software to get anaglyph photos from it. But i have a problem with image distortion from the raw photos.

First i tried using a test photo from a Vuze XR camera. I opened it in photoshop and overlaid my lenovo mirage camera left and right images over the test photo.

I put this back into vuze software and processed it. Vuze software removes the distortion perfectly when you select flat photo. But the extra option to add red+cyan anaglyph comes out automatically and is not as good as your software that am able to adjust.

When i use your software and the amazing Easy Adjustment i can't remove the distortion and flatten the image like i can within vuze software. So i end up getting wobbly walls and floors. And because the image is squeezed together i also have the tripod mount filling up most of the bottom image that's caught in the fisheye lens.

I tried using the barrel adjustment the best i could i was setting it to 30. But it don't fix the squashed image and wobbly floors.

When i use VR180/360 preview all the distortion is removed but the Easy Adjustment settings are different. Any ideas on what i can do please? Thanks.

    Masuji Suto   2020年9月15日(火) 19:47    HP [Edit]
SPM does not have the ability to convert 3D180's image to a planar image.
If you screen capture the VR180/360 preview full screen, it will be a planar image, but basically, you need to convert it to SBS planar image with VR180 software and import it into SPM.

 remark about ffmpeg   William   2020年8月25日(火) 9:19     Mail
On the subject of FFMpeg not being able to do frame-packed to SBS, are you sure about that?
For instance, how about the simple: -vf "stereo3d=tbl:sbsl"
I mean isn't frame-packed just 2 full res pictures on top of each other or did I get that wrong?

 multi conversion dual fisheye to equirectangular   Thomas Huebner   2020年7月29日(水) 6:42     Mail
I have been using SPM for many years. I have been taking stereoscopic photos in 180 degrees for several years. Before that, I cut out the sensor area of approx 185 degrees and put the images together during the multi-conversion in SBS and adjust them automatically. 5 degrees are for the adjustment, 180 degrees should be the result. Maybe there is a code for fisheye adjustment? I am currently using the code for flat 3D. Is it also possible to output 180 degrees dual fisheye in dual equirectangular directly in batch processing? That would save me further work steps.

    Masuji Suto   2020年8月10日(月) 9:06    HP [Edit]
I have two 3D180 cameras, the Qoocam and the Insta360 Evo, both of which offer an app to convert from fisheye to equirectangular.
So I have no plans to add this feature in SPM.

I have created a web app that displays the fisheye SBS images from Qoocam and Insta360 EVO in 3D180 as is.
Qoocam fisheye SBS image is a mirror image, so if you disguise it as an Insta360 EVO image (by changing the extension to .insp), I think you will be able to display an ordinary fisheye SBS image as well. Of course, you can also adjust the angle.

 Thanks   danny   2020年8月10日(月) 8:16     Mail
Thanks for the continuing development of your software .I am in Sydney , Australia , aged 73 .I have been using your software & hints for 8 years ,at least.Although when my 3D tv goes i am concerned about replacing that way of viewing my 3D travel photos & videos. But there is always change .And maybe new tv screens will return to 3D ? Thanks.

    Masuji Suto   2020年8月10日(月) 8:51    HP [Edit]
I also have an LG 3D TV, but unfortunately, I don't think there will be a 3D TV on the market in the future. Naked-eye 3D mobile phones are almost gone(
BenQ seems to have 3D support in some Projectors.

 JPS format is wrong way round   Tom Luxton   2020年8月6日(木) 18:59     Mail
When exporting to JPS format, according to the format should be [R L] not [L R]. Various apps I use, such as "Camera 3D" for IOS and's viewer open up JPS files exported from your app in the wrong order.
Are you able to have an option to save pictures in the correct orientation for .JPS in crosseye format as per the recognized standard?


    Masuji Suto   2020年8月10日(月) 8:43    HP [Edit]
There is no way for SPM to find out which is the right image. If you want to save it in [R L], then you have to save it with the display set to [R L].
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