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    Wayne Grabowski   2024年11月19日(火) 10:06     Mail
Is there a way to use the Create 3D image from 2D+depthmap(360 version) in a batch mode?

I would like to create 3D 360 videos frame-by-frame this way.

 Linux compatibility with Wine   Corvus   2024年10月12日(土) 21:12     Mail
I really appreciate your work creating and maintaining StereoPhoto Maker. I am an avid stereo photography hobbyist and have been using this application for years.
I can report that SPM works seamlessly on Ubuntu distributions when installed with WINE. This is based on at least 5 years on multiple distributions.

Thanks again!

    Helle Skånes   2024年10月9日(水) 0:30     Mail
Hi, I am a very keen StereoPhoto Maker user in Sweden.

I am missing a function that I am positive was there in the past. When zooming in, I would like to keep the same zoom level on the next image. Is that not possible any more? Might be Windows environment screwing things up?

If there is a way to set this again I would love it. The thing is that each time I switch to the next stereo pair in a folder, the Zoom setting goes back to full image. That is not how it used to be in the far pasts. I do not know for how long, but I have definitivelyu missed this during several years.


    Michael Kaplan   2024年9月26日(木) 14:03    HP
Unable to unzip the Mac OS version. Using Sonoma 14.5

    Michael Kaplan   2024年9月26日(木) 14:02    HP
Unable to unzip the version for Mac OS. Running Sonoma 14.5

 Looking Glass GO   Gerard   2024年9月9日(月) 23:39     Mail
Can we have an option to specify the amount of rows and columns.
It looks like Looking Glass Go prefers 10x6 instead of 6x10 quilt images. With a max resolution of 8192x8192 for the quilt image

 Saving transparent images   David Heiser   2024年8月28日(水) 4:23     Mail
Hello Masuji.

I have been using SPM for many years. I am well known in VRChat for creating 3D Stereo galleries. SPM has been an essential tool and I have taught others how to use it.

I create SBS images with a transparent alpha channel. Sometimes I use Stereophoto Maker to adjust the window in the image. But SPM doesn't seem to provide a way to save a .png file with a transparent alpha channel. And I have not found a reliable method of removing the background after saving the adjusted image.

Can this feature be added to SPM?

I create the images using a camera I built in a VR platform called Resonite. The camera makes 3D cutout images of avatars and objects. They are quite striking. Unfortunately, the images are too large to attach here.

    Petr Carda   2024年9月7日(土) 7:48     Mail [Edit]
Hi David Heiser,
could you, please, share link to your galery? I am a bit interested. :)
Thank you

 Masuji Suto are you alive?   Petr Carda   2024年9月7日(土) 7:44     Mail
Hi Masuji Suto,
I have tried to contact you using different channels.
Here, I can see your last reaction almost year ago...

... are you alive?


 Problem with running StereoFotoMaker on Win11   Andreas   2024年8月3日(土) 16:00     Mail
Hello Masuji Suto,
I am using your fabulous Stereo Foto Maker Software for more than 10 years. Thank You!
Now I have a new notebook computer with Windows 11 and the stphmkrpro_g.exe will not start because the program is not in the microsoft app store.
How do I start it anyway?
Best regards,


    Petr Carda   2024年9月7日(土) 7:37     Mail [Edit]
I am also using Win11 and am able to run the application after installed using installer downloaded from this page.
Try use the same. Hope it will work for you too.

 SPM one monitor 3D image on 2nd monitor   Robert McAfee   2024年8月25日(日) 1:53     Mail
With availability of Spatiallabs autostereoscopic monitors as well as older passive monitors and NVIDIA 3DVision systems, it would be helpful, if possible to implement, if the image could be displayed in 3D on one monitor and SPM on another monitor to allow editing of the image while it is displayed in 3D. Of course it is already possible to do this within the same SPM window with images displayed in parallel, cross view or anaglyph. NVIDIA 3DVision and the Spatiallabs both seem to require the image to be displayed in full screen preventing any editing

    Bill Costa   2024年8月29日(木) 5:56     Mail [Edit]
Check out this page explaining dual monitor support and see if it does what you need:

I wanted to do something using my GOOVIS Art head mounted display, but unfortunately the dual monitor support does not work on the Mac.
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