StereoPhoto Maker Feedback [Search]

    Mark   2024年7月27日(土) 0:04     Mail
Autopano no longer exists in it's old format (as far as I can see). The company have upgraded it to AutopanoGiga, and this newer version doesn't seem to work with SPM.
Any ideas how we resolver this?

 batch processing problems   kyle   2024年7月11日(木) 5:57     Mail
Hello. I have a series of stereo images which need to be batch processed to adjust the horizontal level. When I adjust a single image using (k) easy adjust, I simple slide the slider for value H to the needed value which in this case is -543. When I make the adjustment, the image looks great in my viewer. However I need to apply this adjustment over thousands of photos. When I try multi job, I cannot make this adjustment within the provided values.

 batch processing problems   kyle   2024年7月11日(木) 5:45     Mail
Hello. I have a series of stereo images which need to be batch processed to adjust the horizontal level. When I adjust a single image using (k) easy adjust, I simple slide the slider for value H to the needed value which in this case is -543. When I make the adjustment, the image looks great in my viewer. However I need to apply this adjustment over thousands of photos. When I try multi job, I cannot make this adjustment within the provided values.

 Multi depth process   Chris   2024年7月8日(月) 9:00     Mail
Hello! Firstly, your software is awesome, thank you so much! Is there any way to batch perform the following process
Open left image with right image as depth map
Convert to stereo pair
Save stereo image

I managed to open multiple left right photos, but I believe I still need to go through one by one and convert and then export? The multi conversion option doesn't seem to have an option for the rigyt image to be a depth map - or at least when I've been trying it doesn't seem to run tbe export. It may be cos the file names need to be the same or have L and R or something?

Thanks again cos this software really is amazing!

    Chris   2024年7月8日(月) 9:50     Mail [Edit]
Ah, so I dug into the help files a little and I can add "_l" and "_r" and it does now batch process files, however, unfortunately, it just adds the depth map and 2D image to a SBS photo. Is there a way to apply a process to all open pairs? Or to add the depth > stereo image conversion to the multi job please? I tried the DepthColorConv option and that just converted my depth image to a greyscale!

Thanks again!

    Chris   2024年7月8日(月) 9:56     Mail [Edit]
Okay, sorry for spamming this! It wasn't possible to search this board but I went back through the pages and found the solution!

 Help viewing on an anamorphic SBS display...   Bill Costa   2024年6月27日(木) 2:53     Mail
I have a GOOVIS G3 Max and GOOVIS Art head mounted displays for viewing 3D. The image quality in terms of the display and optics are excellent -- particularly for the G3 Max. But unfortunately when in 3D mode, they expect content to be in anamorphic SBS format. So when viewed on SPM, the images are stretched horizontally.

My question -- am I missing a way, while *viewing* in SPM, to squash the image back into a normal aspect ratio? I can still do editing and view my results in 3D, but the distortion of the image makes evaluating the results somewhat difficult.

    Bill Costa   2024年7月5日(金) 1:59     Mail [Edit]
So thanks to David LeDoux, who contacted me directly via email, I have the solution to my question and it is of course easily done. Select "Side-by-Side" from the "Stereo" menu, and then "Half width SBS".

Another related tip -- sometimes I may do a strong crop on the width. In that case the centers of the image may end up so close to each other that you really have to strongly converge your eyes -- as if the image is at the tip of your nose. The solution is to use the menu setting:

View -> Image-distance when reduced image

This works as a toggle between 3 different image separations (use the "E" key as a shortcut). Simply find the setting that makes for the most comfortable viewing.

    Jeffrey Horwitz   2024年6月18日(火) 2:55     Mail
Two Questions:

1.) Will the Mac Version of StereoPhoto Maker (6.20) work on Sonoma (14.5)?

2.) Is there a later version than 6.20 of StereoPhoto Maker that I should download?

Thank you.

    Bill Costa   2024年6月27日(木) 2:44     Mail [Edit]
There shouldn't be any reason that it shouldn't. Have you tried it? I'm currently using version 6.31 (using Wine) on Sonoma with no issues.

 About Acer SpatialLabs   Eric   2024年6月20日(木) 20:59   

Is there any plans to support Acer SpatialLabs products in the future?

 Larger number for saving images   eyeEmotion   2024年6月20日(木) 20:39     Mail

I just started using StereoPhoto Maker, as was recommended by someone on AVS forum.
We use it to extract all the frames of a full-lenght movie, so we can batch process them to generate depthmaps for it. The problem is, full-length movies are around 130.000 to 200.000+ frames(images).

In StereoPhoto Maker, choosing the option Movie -> Image sequence, images are saved with a default of just 5 digits. Smaller than 5 digits gives leading 0's, which is fine. But framenumbers larger than 5 digits, obviously would add extra digits. So this is fine.

But since larger than 5 digits prevents leading 0's, the order of the frames gets messed up. So now I'm stuck with for example this:
So I get something like this order: 16208.png, 162080.png , 162081.png , 162082.png , 162083.png , 162084.png , 162085.png , 162086.png , 162087.png , 162088.png , 162089.png , 16209.png , 162090.png , 162091.png , 162092.png , 162093.png , ... .

Please allow for higher numbers with leading 0's, or better yet, let us use wildcards so we can set our own file naming.


PS: Your Stereo MoviePlayer FF, can it read and play 3D-bluray discs and show it in SBS?

    Dominik   2024年6月4日(火) 5:02     Mail

Thank you for this beautiful software!
Are you planning to release ver6.31 for mac?
And if so when?

    Dominik   2024年6月4日(火) 3:58     Mail

Thank you for this beautiful software!
Are you planning to release ver6.31 for mac?
And if so when?
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