To create a parameter set for a particular script, copy-and-paste the script @param and @default fields to a text file.
The text file should have the same name as the script but with a numeric (0 to 9) suffix to indicate the parameter-set number.
The extension should be .TXT and the filename should be no longer than eight characters, including the suffix.
Save the file to the PARAMS folder.
Script parameter-sets may include four @desc ('description') fields.
These descriptions are displayed in the Script menu as you navigate from one set to another.
Up to ten sets may be associated with any one script.
Set '0' contains the settings last-used with the script.
@desc Use to calibrate clickPAN-SDM
@desc Connect S0 to 0V for calib mode
@desc Note servo position S1
@desc UP/DN to same position on S2
@param p pulse width
@default p 22
@param i
@default i 1
The 'time_lapse' command has the option of using just a single parameter that indicates the parameter-set to be used.
e.g time_lapse 5
runs time_lapse with all settings contained in parameter-set '5'.
SDM does not require the uBasic 'print' command when displaying text without any following parameters.
Simply enclose the text between quotation marks.
If preceeded by a space, the background will be blue.
If preceeded by a '#' symbol, the background will be green.
If preceded by an exclamation (!) mark, the background will be red.
The colour-formatting symbols are not displayed.
Example 1:
" This is text"
"# Press shutter"
"! to exit"
while 1
The autofocus LED is bright and visible from some distance.
This makes it useful for kite aerial photography (KAP) scripts to indicate completion of operations.
A user-friendly way of entering override aperture-values on cameras that have a physical aperture:-
aperture 3.5
@title Aperture
@param a numerator
@default a 2
@param b denominator
@default b 8
aperture a . b
Use before the 'time_lapse' command to force autofocusing on every shot.
Not to be used if camera set to manual focusing.
Use before the 'time_lapse' command to autofocus the first shot.
When 'time_lapse' command is executed, autofocus lock (AFL) is applied and 'AFL' displayed at top left of screen.
Not to be used if camera set to manual focusing.
This blinks the autofocus LED for the set time.
e.g blink_af_led_for 5 blinks autofocus LED for five seconds.
Used in continuous-shooting mode to capture images from focused distance to infinity.
The camera must be in a mode that allows focus-override and in continuous-shooting mode.
(if using custom timer mode, the sequence will end after the set number of exposures.
Focus may or may not reach infinity).
For the example below, set camera to continuous shooting.
At the wide-angle setting, infinity will be reached in only two or three steps from 1000mm.
The example zooms the lens to get more steps (on non 'S' series cameras).
The focused distance is displayed at the top of the screen for each step.
'DBA' is displayed to indicate 'distance-bracketing automatic' and 'CONT' for continuous-shooting mode.
Press your USB switch to start, the camera will beep when infinity-focus is reached.
Example 2:
set_zoom_to_step 7
set_focus_to 1000
" Autofocus bracketing"
" Press switch"
Makes a brief 'beep' sound.
Example 3:
sleep_for 1000
sleep_for 1000
Turn the blue LED on/off.
Example 4:
sleep_for 1000
sleep_for 2000
Returns '1' when all bracketing shots have been taken.
The following is equivalent to 'wait_until_done' command :
set_focus_to 500
until is_key "remote"
until bracketing_done = 1
Disables USB upload and returns to record mode.
This will only work with programmes on the PC that have already exited in a controlled manner.
sleep_for_seconds 35
Changes current shutter-speed (exposure value) by the required number of 1/3 EV steps.
Negative numbers increase exposure.
When using the 'send_data' command to send three bytes of data to an external device (such as a Picaxe microcontroller),
a returned value of '1' indicates that the data was received without error and the device replied within 100 msec.
e.g data_received a ('a' = 1 if data received).
Used to capture a number of images focused each side of the scope virtual image.
The camera must be in a mode that allows focus-override and continuous or custom-timer shooting.
For the example below, set camera to continuous shooting.
(To see the effect of focus-change with this example you really need a digiscope setup)
Focus value is displayed at the top of the screen and on completion the camera refocuses at the starting distance (reference focus).
The Canon firmware may not focus at a precise numerical distance, just as close as it can get.
Example 5:
set_zoom_to_step 3
set_focus_to 600
number_of_images_to_capture_is 5
" Digiscope bracketing"
" Press switch"
When USB download is disabled, the camera will not try to connect to the PC when a voltage is present on the USB connector V+ pin.
This is the usual mode when using a remote switch.
By enabling USB download and switching to Playback mode, a selected programme on the PC will startup when the USB connector plugged-in.
Used before starting a Tv (shutter-speed) bracketing sequence with custom-timer shooting mode.
(continuous-shooting mode bracketing is alternating only).
For the example below, set number of exposures in custom-timer 'Shots' and delay to zero.
Example 6:
hdr_bracket_1/3_ev_steps 2
" Press switch"
" Each image lighter"
This is a synonym for 'finish_time' and is used in conjunction with 'sleep_until' or 'start_time'.
'end_time/finish_time' MUST come before 'sleep_until/start_time' in your script.
It indicates the time in hours and minutes that an operation should end.
At present, only 'time_lapse' command supports this feature.
The following script will blank the display until start time (default is 12:30) .
It will then take a photo every minute until end time.
End time is four minutes after start time
The time-lapse setting for this feature must be 'endless'.
@title Real time
@param a hours
@default a 12
@param b minutes
@default b 30
" Going to sleep"
sleep_for_seconds 3
rem finish after four minutes
finish_time a, b + 4
start_time a, b
rem ten second delay then photo every one minute
time_lapse 0, 10 ,1 , 0, 3, 1, 0, 3, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 50, 500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Used to capture a number of images using a fixed focus-step from a start focus.
The camera must be in a mode that allows focus-override and continuous or custom-timer shooting.
Useful for extreme close-ups where depth-of-field increasing very slowly with focus distance.
For the example below, set camera to continuous shooting.
Example 7:
set_focus_to 500
number_of_images_to_capture_is 3
" Equal-step bracketing"
" Press switch"
Synonym for 'end_time', you can use either.
This is a synonym for 'get_focus', you can use either.
Returns the focus position (on the virtual image) used by digiscoping function.
Returns the horizontal field-of-view (in degrees) in the supplied parameter.
Returns the current speed (1 to 5) of the script.
See the 'set_script_speed' statement below.
Synonym for CHDK 'get_shooting'.
Returns synch status and delay values. See 'set_synch' below.
Used in Tv bracketing to specify the exposure-step in units of 1/3EV.
3 EV is equivalent to one stop.
Captures multiple stacks of images from current focus to infinity.
Each stack forms part of an exposure-bracketed series.
The first parameter is the number of stacks, the second is the exposure-change (in 1/3 EV units)between stacks.
is_this_right_camera a
Returns '1' in 'a' if true.
Toggles on/off state of the LCD by 'pressing' the DISPLAY button.
Not supported by all cameras.
(also see 'turn_backlight_off/turn_backlight_on' below)
Example 8:
" Press switch"
" LCD will blank"
" for 5 seconds."
sleep_for 5000
Print script output directly onto one of the script-console lines without scrolling.
See the readYUV script example below.
After half-pressing shutter and giving camera sufficient time to focus, the auto-focus may be locked.
'AFL' will be displayed on the screen.
You may unlock autofocus using the script command or half-press shutter button and press right button until 'AFL'not displayed.
Example 9:
sleep_for 1000
press "shoot_half"
sleep_for 1000
"! locked"
"! 'AFL' top left"
Loads the edge-overlay stored on the memory card.
Switches to playback mode and enables USB upload.
The following example connects to a remote-capture programme such as PSRemote and capture five images at ten seconds interval :-
time_lapse 0,15,0,10,5,0,0,3,3,0,2,3,0,50,500,0,0,0,0,0
The camera switches to movie mode.
Clicking "shoot_full" will start and stop the movie recording.
For cameras with a 'movie' button, 'movie_mode' does not do anything.
Normally, it is simpler to use the command 'shoot_movie_for' described below.
These perform same functions as 'set_nd_filter' but are easier to remember and make your script more readable.
Used to specify the number of images in a bracketing mode.
For Tv bracketing and digiscope bracketing this is usually an odd number.
number_of_images_to_capture_is 5
Normally, edge-overlay mode is disabled on power-up, even if you powered-down with it enabled.
You can override this by using the 'overlay_on' command in an autostart script similar to the following :-
@title Overlay on
sleep_for_seconds 5
line_1 "#Overlay ON"
sleep_for_seconds 4
If the script is named Startup.bas, your normal default script will still be resident.
Camera switches to playback mode.
Use 'record_mode' to return.
Reads the luminance and UV chroma values from a 24 x 16 pixel area at the centre of the screen.
No parameters are required, the values are returned in 'a', 'b' and 'c' (so be careful how you use them in the rest of your script).
To use as a spotmeter, zoom to telephoto setting.
The values are read from the live-image buffer and the correlation with the real scene values is not known.
The following script displays the YUV and calculated RGB values in non-scrolling format on the console:-
@title Spot meter
r = (a*4096 + c*5743 + 2048)/4096
if r < 0 then r = 0
if r > 255 then r = 255
g = (a*4096 - b*1411 - c*2925 + 2048)/4096
if g < 0 then g = 0
if g > 255 then g = 255
u = (a*4096 + b*7258 + 2048)/4096
if u < 0 then u = 0
if u > 255 then u = 255
line_1 "# YUV ", a," ",b," ", c
line_2 "! RGB ", r," ",g," ", u
goto "test_md_loop"
Returns to record mode from playback mode.
Restores the camera focus to the value previously saved with 'save_focus'.
An optional parameter will contain the focus-setting value.
Useful for long time-lapse sequences (especially with Eye-fi cards) that use hardware or software methods to reset the camera at intervals.
Restores the lens zoom position to the value previously saved with 'save_zoom'.
Useful for long time-lapse sequences (especially with Eye-fi cards) that use hardware or software methods to reset the camera at intervals.
Without a parameter, saves the current focus setting as measured from the front of the lens.
Optionally, provide a numeric value for the required focus setting.
The value saved may be inspected in Bracketing/Overrides as 'Saved focus' and even manually changed for reading by the 'restore_focus' command.
Useful for long time-lapse sequences (especially with Eye-fi cards) that use hardware or software methods to reset the camera at intervals.
In bracketing modes, this command enables the saving of log files with the focus or Tv values recorded.
The command should come before any command that starts the bracketing sequence.
Try adding it to the top of Example 2.
The log files are in folder 'A/CHDK/STACKS'.
Saves the zoom step of the current lens position.
Useful for long time-lapse sequences (especially with Eye-fi cards) that use hardware or software methods to reset the camera at intervals.
This command sends two or three bytes of data to an external device by flashing the Print or autofocus LED's.
If only two bytes are used, the data is sent once, otherwise it is sent twice to enable error checking.
The commands 'use_print_led' and 'use_af_led' allow you to choose either led.
The autofocus led is far brighter and may be easier to attach an opto-sensor to, especially if the camera accomodates an accessory-lens adapter.
The protocol is very simple and is described in the section Serial Communication with an external device
The following script sets parameter 'a' to 128 as a parameter identifier, you can choose any value you wish from -128 to +255.
It zooms the lens in and out and sends the zoom position to the external device (third byte not used) :
@title Tx data
@param a command
@param b low byte
@param c high byte
@default a 128
@default b 0
@default c 67
sleep_for_seconds 1
set_zoom_to_step b
" Sending data"
sleep_for_seconds 1
get_zoom d
send_data a, d, c
sleep_for_seconds 4
b = b + 1
if b <> 7 then goto "loop"
set_zoom_to_step b
" Sending data"
sleep_for_seconds 1
get_zoom d
send_data a, d, c
sleep_for_seconds 4
b = b - 1
if b >= 0 then goto "loop2"