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DepthMaker for Android

Play store

Although this is an Android application, it can be run on Windows by using an emulator. For details, please see this page.

The "DepthMaker" Android application converts 2D photos to 3D and displays them in various 3D formats. It can also save 3D converted SBS images and send (Share) them to 3DSteroid Pro and other applications, allowing advanced 3D photo editing with 3DSteroid Pro.
The application uses an AI engine to generate depth from a 2D photo and automatically saves it as an RGBD image. The display is converted from RGBD to various 3D formats in real time using a local web application.
Since the WEB application cannot save images, the images are converted to 3D by another program and saved as SBS images. Therefore, regardless of the display state, the image is saved as a "parallel SBS image" (depth adjustment values are reflected).
This app is compatible with Android 8 or later.
On some models, the app may crash when trying to convert a large image to 3D. If the application crashes when converting a small image, but only when converting a large image, the longitudinal direction can be reduced to a specified number of pixels in the settings (Ver. 1.30 or later). Please set the size that does not cause a crash.

Basic Operation
Press the MENU button, select "Open 2D(to 3D)" and choose the 2D photo you wish to convert to 3D.
After a few seconds, the converted 3D image will be displayed. (The converted image will be saved as an RGBD image in the "Picture/DepthMaker/RGBD" folder.
Press STEREO button to enjoy the converted image in your favorite format such as SBS, anaglyph, etc.
If you want to see the image in the cross eye method, press the SWAP button in the SBS view.
The Depth slider allows you to adjust the depth, and pressing the RESET button returns the depth to the default value (30).

Save image and sharing with other applications
Press the MENU button and select "Save as SBS" to save the image in the "Picture/DepthMaker/SBS" folder.
Regardless of the display state, the image will be saved as a "parallel SBS image" (depth adjustment values will be reflected).
After saving, a dialog box will appear asking if you want to share the saved image. Click the "Share" button to open the sharing window.
If you do not want to share, press the "Close" button.

Open RGBD(SBS image of 2D image and depth map image) image
Press the MENU button and select "Open RGBD" to display the 3D converted from RGBD image. The rest of the process is the same as the 2D to 3D conversion described above.

Batch 2D3D conversion by folder
Press the MENU button, select "Multi Conv 2D to 3D," and select one of the files from the folder you wish to batch convert, and a confirmation dialog box will appear asking if you wish to start batch conversion.
Press the START button to start batch conversion. To abort, tap the message button in the center of the screen.
The batch converted image is,
RGBD: Picture/DepthMaker/Multi/RGBD
SBS: Picture/DepthMaker/Multi/SBS

In this application, when there is a file with the same name in the destination, all files are overwritten and saved.

Supplemental Explanation
The Android application "DepthMaker" uses Depth-Anything-V2, the same as the iOS application "i3DMovieMaker," to generate depth images from 2D images.
However, since it takes longer to generate images than the iOS version, it is difficult to support video at this time and is limited to still images.
As mentioned above, the Local WEB application cannot save images, so the save function of this application uses the same logic as Stereo Photo Maker, not the WEB application, to convert and save SBS images.
Therefore, the saved SBS image is generally of higher quality than the 3D image converted by the local web app, but please understand that they are not exactly the same.
If you want to enjoy simple 3D conversion, use the local web viewer in this application. If you want to edit in high quality, i recommend saving in SBS and sharing with 3DSteroid Pro for editing.

It uses the same Depth-Anything-V2 as the iOS version, which now generates almost the same depths in Ver 0.40, but there are some subtle differences.

Installed on Android 5.0 or later models
You can install from the official App Store on Android 8 or later, but if you really want to install on earlier models, please install the APK file below. However, it can only be installed on Android 5.0 or later.


Verification results on a 3D Android
LDPlayer Android emulator for Windows(Android9.0) : It worked.
ROKiT iO Pro 3D(Android9.0) : It worked.
SuperD(Android6.0) : RGBD could be created, but 3D conversion cannot be displayed.
PPTV KING7S(Android5.1) : It starts, but does not display. Depth cannot be generated either.